Wednesday, June 02, 2004

The 10 Golden Rules of CMAS

Dive like your shadow!
Dont leave any trace.
Be a sensible part of underwater world, not an alien!

1. Never enter the water through reed, living coral or water plants.
2. Control your buoyancy.
3. Keep distance from corals and other animals and do not stir up the sediment.
4. Take care where dropping anchor during boats dives.
5. Do not chase, touch or feed wild animals.
6. Do not spearfish (for fun) and do not buy or collect souvenirs such as coral and shells.
7. Be very careful when diving in caves. Bubbles and simple contack may destroy their delicate life.
8. Keep the diving places clean.
9. Learn about the underwater life and avoid any destruction.
10. Urge your buddies to fillow these rules, too.

source :

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